NEW RECORD: ALL 20.000 Pink Ducks adopted!
What an amazing success of Pink Duck Race BELGIUM 2023! All 20.000 Pink Ducks have found an adoptive parent!
The Pink Duck Race took place next to the MAS museum on June 25 in Antwerp and attracted many supporters and visitors. It was a remarkable sight watching 20.000 Pink Ducks competing with a goal to fight breast cancer. They were on an important mission during all this campaign and that was to raise awareness about breast cancer, to inform people that 1 in 8 women would one day be diagnosed with this disease and raise funds to help breast cancer patients and their families.
And the winner is...
Duck number 8055, adopted by Tom Muylle, was the first to cross the finish line. Congratulations Tom! The golden Pink Duck jewel, will be handed over to you soon.
After Belgium, the next step is to go ON TOUR with the Pink Duck Race! We plan to visit many European countries, and we may travel all over the world. New races are planned for 2024. in Tenerife, UK and Belgium.