
Project in the picture | Canoe Sweden


In the last ten years, more and more studies based on longtime follow-up of millions of patients, have come to the same conclusion: lifestyle improvements to weight management, physical activity, nutrition and alcohol consumption will contribute to a healthier way of life that can help minimise the risk for breast cancer.  Many cancer patients only realise this when fighting the desease.  During their recovery the somethimes get help from the hospital, but after that they are on their own.  Getting fit again is often easier said than done… We want to help!

Together with our partner Anita Care and the University Hospital Antwerp, we were able to support a beautiful project in Belgium to help cancer survivors get back on track. Preparing them to go on a canoe trip in Sweden, moving on the water with their own strength, away from all the luxury and daily stress we know, together as a group, helping each other, and finding their own capacities again.

Moving is important, not only to prevent breast cancer, but also in the recovery proces of cancer patients.


The group has prepared and trained from March untill June.  They worked on their canoe technique, strengt, outdoor skills,… while getting to know eachother and becoming a group that supports eachother. The program contributes to both their mental as physical wellbeing.  The candidates have been screened by the oncology and sports department of the University Hospital of Antwerp, to be sure they are fit enough to participate in the project. 

Anita Care

This project is powered by Anita Care, a Think Pink Europe partner since many years.


After a good preparation the group went on a canoe trekking in Sweden in the beginning of July 2023.

A canoe trip in Sweden, that means 7 days without electricity, living offline, but feeling more CONNECTION than ever.  With the RESILIENCE and perseverance of each of the participants who overcame cancer and threw themselves into this adventure, with great dedication with NATURE, which sometimes inexorably pulled us out of our comfort zone, with that imperturbable ENTHUSIASM that conquers every obstacle.

MOVING over the water with your own strengt, to a new destination every day.  SHARING eachothers stories and emotions, and HELPING eachother through the day, from the most beautiful sunrise until an astonishing sunset. One moment being rough, yet another so magical.

The projects aims to keep the participants moving and find a healthy balance in their lives, after this experience.

Kanotrekking Zweden (Dutch)

Follow their adventure #lotgenoten.herademen

Photography by Simon Amelinckx & Chantal Blockx
